You're Invited: Urban Revitalization & Environmental Equality Strategist Majora Carter to Speak at RWU on Feb. 13

Campus Community, Friends and Neighbors:

A leading urban revitalization and environmental equality strategist, Majora Carter has devoted her career to transforming urban blight and to developing “low-status” communities into places where people want to stay and live.

On Wednesday, February 13, you're invited to spend an evening with Carter as part of the Roger Williams University President's Distinguished Speakers Series and part of a year-long campus-wide conversation on “Ocean State/State of the Ocean: The Challenge of Sea Level Rise Over the Coming Century.”

In her hometown of South Bronx, Carter established Sustainable South Bronx, where she launched MIT's first Mobile Fab-Lab, an early iteration of the “Maker-Spaces” found across the nation, and co-founded the Bronx Tech Meetup and the StartUpBox Software Services, which created a tech-job pipeline to help diversify the U.S. tech sector. Carter is a Peabody Award-winning broadcaster, a MacArthur “Genius” Fellow, and named a “Silicon Alley 100” and Goldman-Sachs “100 Most Intriguing Entrepreneurs.” Her 2006 TEDTalk was one of six to launch the groundbreaking site. Watch this 2014 TEDTalk titled, "Greening the Ghetto."

Join Carter as she presents a lecture titled, “Environmental Equality in Low-Status Communities: How a Clean Economy Fits in Our Shared Future,” and shares how a clean economy lies in the best interest of everyone's future and how to work towards environmental equality.

“Environmental Equality in Low-Status Communities:

How a Clean Economy Fits in Our Shared Future”
A presentation by Majora Carter
Wednesday, February 13, 2019
7:00 pm
Campus Recreation Center
Bristol Campus

Please join all of us at Roger Williams University in sharing an exciting evening in conversation with Majora Carter. President's Distinguished Speakers Series events are free and open to the public with no tickets or reservations required. Any questions can be directed to (401) 254-3166.

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