Your Input Needed on Disability Supports in Rhode Island: Rhode Island Olmstead Planning Survey

To better understand the needs and priorities of our diverse population, the State of Rhode Island has developed a survey based on key themes identified from the plans of six other states.

Our state is currently engaged in the Olmstead planning process, an initiative aimed at ensuring the rights of individuals with disabilities to live, work, and participate fully in their communities. To better understand the needs and priorities of our diverse population, the State of Rhode Island has developed a survey based on key themes identified from the plans of six other states. Your input will help identify areas of focus and prioritize resources in our own Olmstead plan.

The survey should take approximately 20 minutes to complete. Your feedback will impact the development of programs and initiatives that enhance the lives of individuals with disabilities across Rhode Island.

To access the survey, please click on the following link:

Courtesy of the State of Rhode Island

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