The Westerly Sun: After problem with well is repaired, Charlestown gives Churchwoods the green light for residents to move in

December 13, 2017 11:44PM
By Catherine Hewitt, Sun staff writer

CHARLESTOWN — It's been a long and complicated journey, but tenants could be moving in to Churchwoods as soon as tomorrow.

The $6.3 million low-income rental complex for senior citizens 55 and older was slated to open Nov. 15 until water testing came back indicating the potential of harmful bacteria.

After more than a month of work on its 50-year-old well, which also services the Church of the Holy Spirit at 4150 Old Post Road, the complex was finally given the sign-off on Tuesday by the Department of Health, said Geoff Marchant, former chairman of the Washington County Community Development Corp., by phone Wednesday. The corporation is a nonprofit that was instrumental in putting together the financing for the project.

To view the complete article, visit The Westerly Sun

Courtesy of The Westerly Sun

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