The Sun: Stonington gets feedback on proposal to expand number of accessory dwellings

May 31, 2018 11:49PM
By Catherine Hewitt, Sun staff writer

STONINGTON — If the town were to allow more types of accessory dwelling units in its regulations, the change could provide more affordable housing but might also lead to an excess housing supply or more short-term rentals.

That was some of the public feedback about accessory dwelling units at a community conversation hosted by the Department of Planning at La Grua Center Thursday. The units are defined as separate dwelling spaces, such as a cottage or an apartment over a garage, located in a single-family zone.

The meeting was motivated by a recommendation in the 2015 Plan of Conservation and Development, labeled task 9.3.3, that the town “explore modification of regulations to expand use of accessory apartments.”

To view the complete article, visit The Sun

Courtesy of The Sun

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