The Jamestown Press: Town buys lot for open space, low-cost homes

$450K spent on Carr Lane land


The town has purchased property on Carr Lane to increase its stock of affordable housing while preserving the reservoir's watershed.

The lot at 91 Carr Lane was purchased from Jim and Lisa Rafferty for $450,000. During a June 18 executive session, the town councilors authorized Town Administrator Andy Nota to make the deal, which has been in negotiations since November. The property was assessed for $550,000 in 2015.

“It's signed, sealed and delivered,” said Lisa Bryer, town planner.

Following the deal, which was finalized three days after council approval, the town has wasted no time moving the project forward. The planning commission last week approved a request to subdivide the parcel, which is nearly 7 acres with an existing house and garage.

The front 1.4 acres, where the structures are, would be used for affordable housing, Bryer said. The town expects to sell that section to Church Community Housing Corporation, a nonprofit agency that secures housing for Newport County residents with low and moderate incomes.

To view the complete article, visit The Jamestown Press

Courtesy of The Jamestown Press

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