The Block Island Times: Cherry Hill Lane hearing continued

Fri, 04/20/2018 - 9:00am
Category: News

Citing ongoing concerns from abutters living next to the proposed Cherry Hill Lane affordable housing subdivision, Planning Board Chair Margie Comings kept the public hearing open until the Board's next meeting in May in order to give others a chance to comment on the project.

Abutter Tim McCabe and island resident Cathy Payne told the members of the Board that an agenda for an early meeting on the project was not published in The Block Island Times, making them unaware that the project was a topic of discussion. As a result, they said, they did not attend that initial meeting. McCabe and some other abutters have been opposing the project ever since.

After hearing their concerns, Comings and the board decided to keep the public hearing open so that all views could be aired. The public hearing will be continued at the Planning Board meeting at Town Hall on Wednesday, May 9, at 7 p.m.

To view the complete article, visit The Block Island Times

Courtesy of The Block Island Times

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