Speaker Shekarchi touts housing initiatives in state budget

STATE HOUSE - The state budget bill (2021-H 6122A), which was passed today by the House of Representatives, contains multiple initiatives backed by Speaker K. Joseph Shekarchi, including a new position for a state “housing czar,” Rhode Island's first-ever dedicated funding stream for affordable housing and a pilot program to create supportive housing for chronically homeless individuals.

“Rhode Island is in the midst of a severe housing crisis, which the pandemic only exacerbated. It will take a multi-faceted approach to address our housing needs; there is no smoking gun or silver bullet, and some of the issues we're facing are incredibly complex,” said Speaker Shekarchi. “I am very appreciative that my colleagues in the House understand the urgency with which we must act, and I am proud that we have made significant progress in setting forth concrete steps to move our state forward. For the first time ever, Rhode Island will have one point of contact to synthesize and streamline housing initiatives, as well as a dedicated funding stream for affordable housing and an innovative program to help the homeless.”

To view the complete press release, click here.

Courtesy of the State of Rhode Island General Assembly

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