Source of Income Discrimination Bill

Source of Income Discrimination coalition: As you know, we are now in the last 1½ to 2 weeks of this year's session. With the budget out of House finance, the leadership will be turning their attention to other bills and making decisions about what makes it out of committee and what doesn't. We need your help now to make sure the Source of Income bill is in that first category. Here are some things you can do to help us make a last push to get the Source of Income Discrimination bill over the finish line.

Send the online letter or a personal letter to your representative urging their support of the SOI bill. If you are part of a membership organization, share the link to the letter with your members and urge them to send a letter too.

Talk to your Representative and urge them to tell the Speaker and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Craven that they want to see the Source of Income bill come to the floor. You can also share with them the one pager on the bill.

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