RIHousing Announces Funding For Development of Affordable Homes
RIHousing Announces Funding For Development of Affordable Homes
Application Deadline: 4:00 pm on January 16, 2024 |
Funding awards may be subject to appropriation and are contingent upon funding availability.
RIHousing has adopted a universal application that consolidates the request for multiple financing sources. While program priorities are similar, scoring and program requirements may differ. It is incumbent upon applicants to familiarize themselves with the various sources and identify the funding source or combination of sources that best meet the needs of their proposal. |
APPLICATION PROCESS- Applicants must submit applications through the RIHousing Consolidated Application system.
- To apply, please Log In or Register. Once you're logged in, click Create Project to get started.
- Incomplete applications, applications submitted on incorrect/obsolete forms, and those omitting the requested documentation will not be evaluated.
- All rental proposals must use the most current proforma model, version 11.7o, located on our website in the Developer's Handbook.
- All homeownership proposals must use the model included in the Application.
- Applicants seeking HPF-ELI and/or HOME-ARP Supportive Service funds for existing developments and ARE NOT applying for additional funding through the OSA should contact Nivea Linhares at nlinhares@rihousing.com for a link to a unique Share File address to submit their application.
- Borrowers must identify the sources of funds for which they are applying. RIHousing reserves the right to adjust funding amounts and sources requested by any applicant based on need, demand, and project fit with available sources.
The 2024 Developer’s Handbook, the guide to underwriting multifamily transactions, including design and construction guidelines, the 2024 QAP and the required proforma model are available on our website. INFORMATIONAL MEETING
An informational meeting will be held virtually on Tuesday, December 12, 2023, at 10:00 am over Microsoft Teams to discuss the various funding sources and application in more detail. All interested applicants who wish to attend can click this link to register. APPLICATION SUBMISSION
Proposals must be received by RIHousing through the RIHousing Consolidated Application system before 4:00 pm on Tuesday, January 16, 2024. |
DOCUMENTSCONTACTS- For more information on 9% LIHTC, Tax Exempt Bonds and 4% LIHTC, DAH2, HOME Program Investment Funds (“HOME" Funds), Housing Trust Funds (“HTF”), Community Revitalization Program (“CRP”), Acquisition Revitalization Program (“ARP”), Capital Magnet Fund (“CMF”), Middle Income Loan Program, contact Dean Harrison at 401-450-1347, dharrison@rihousing.com or Anne Berman at 401-457-1269, aberman@rihousing.com.
- For more information on Priority Project and Transportation Oriented Development ("TOD") funds, contact Amy Boyle with the Department of Housing at Amy.Boyle.CTR@housing.ri.gov.
- For more information on HOME-ARP Supportive Service Funds, contact Ronnie Young at 401-457-1123, ryoung@rihousing.com.
- For more information on HPF-ELI Operating Support, contact Mike Dichiaro, at 401-457-1274, mdichiaro@rihousing.com.
| To learn more, visit RIHousing.com.
Courtesy of RIHousing's RFPs and RFQs |
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