RI Office of Housing & CD & HRC: Building Homes Rhode Island, Request for Proposals (RFP) 2017

The State Housing Resources Commission (HRC) is pleased to announce the availability of resources under the Building Homes Rhode Island (BHRI) program, a State-funded (Affordable Housing Bond) initiative. Working with RI Housing and other stakeholders, the HRC will utilize this program to create and preserve affordable housing throughout Rhode Island.

While the timeline and some of the forms are similar to those required to apply for Rhode Island Housing programs, please note BHRI is a distinct program with separate requirements, forms and procedures. Only those applications submitted through the BHRI RFP process will be considered for State BHRI funding.

The application forms developed (and attached below) include a great deal of information necessary for the HRC and RI Housing staff to properly score your proposals in accordance with the RFP. The intent of this detailed RFP/Scoring system is to enable potential applicants to more fully understand how they might potentially rank against other proposals. At the conclusion of this application process, HRC staff will consult with applicants and stakeholders to assure the process was effective and efficient. Changes in the process may occur based upon this reexamination. Your input into this process is very much appreciated.

Full and complete applications are due to Raymond Neirinckx, HRC staff, no later than 3:00pm on Friday - December 15, 2017. Please assure two hard copies and an electronic version of the application are delivered by the due date. Late applications will not be considered.
Thank you for interest in helping to address the State's affordable housing needs. We look forward to working with you and community stakeholders to best utilize resources made available.

Questions regarding the applications must be submitted to Raymond Neirinckx at Raymond.Neirinckx@doa.ri.gov. Responses to questions will be made available through the office's website at http://www.ohcd.ri.gov

Michael Tondra, Chief
RI Office of Housing & Community Development & Housing Resources Commission

For more information, and to find application attachments, click here.

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RI Alliance for Healthy Homes

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