Rhode Island KIDS COUNT: The 2019 Factbook is now available!

On Monday, April 8, 2019, Rhode Island KIDS COUNT released its twenty-fifth annual report on the well-being of Rhode Island's children at a policy breakfast attended by over 550 people, including the Governor, Congressional Delegation, and statewide and community leaders.

Mark Shriver, Senior VP of US Programs and Advocacy at Save the Children, provided keynote remarks, and the youth speaker was Pedro Moya of Young Voices. Ramona Santos of Parents Leading for Educational Equity received a Factbook and gave remarks, and State Pre-K students from Heritage Park YMCA/Ready to Learn Providence sang. For more information, please see the media release, executive summary, event pictures, Twitter activity, and media coverage.

The 2019 Rhode Island Kids Count Factbook charts improvements and declines in the well-being of children and youth across the state and in each of Rhode Island's 39 cities and towns and provides the latest available statistics on different aspects of children's lives, from birth through adolescence.

Use the links below to explore the Factbook sections and data:

Community Snapshots: Compiles information from the annual Factbook into an easy-to-read format specific to each city and town in Rhode Island.

To order a copy, please use the Factbook order form or call (401) 351-9400. The cost of the Factbook is $21.40 ($20 plus tax); discounts for bulk purchases available.

Courtesy of Rhode Island KIDS COUNT

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