Rhode Island Catholic: Many R.I. households grateful for diocesan heating assistance program

PROVIDENCE — Spring in the Ocean State has been always unpredictable — making the popular quotation, “if you don't like the weather in New England now, just wait a few minutes,” — ring even more true. The month of April saw snow and continued cold temperatures, and now with near record high temps, the diocesan heating program “Keep the Heat On” wraps up its recent winter season of assisting families in great need pay their heating costs.

This year, the program provided a total of $257,103.61 in oil, natural gas and electricity assistance. Over the past 13 years the program has provided $2,928,499 in aid.

“Once again, I am deeply grateful to all those who supported our diocesan 'Keep the Heat On' program,” said Bishop Thomas J. Tobin. “It has become a valuable and dependable resource for our community, but we couldn't do it without our very generous supporters.”

To view the complete article, visit Rhode Island Catholic

Courtesy of Rhode Island Catholic

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