Providence American: PHA Celebrates Jobs Plus Program

Providence — The Providence Housing Authority (PHA) held a press event to celebrate its Jobs Plus Program (JPP) on Thursday, November 9, 2017 at 10:30am. The event took place at 50 Laurel Hill Avenue.

The PHA is one of twenty four public housing authorities in the country selected by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to participate in Jobs Plus - a federally-funded initiative to assist public housing residents entering the workforce. The PHA launched the Jobs Plus Providence (JPP) Program in April 2017 for the residents of Hartford Park and Manton Heights.

The site-based JPP Program aims to increase residents' earned income through employment by effectively integrating JPP's three main components: (1) Employment-related Services; (2) Financial Incentives (JP Earned Income Disregard); and (3) Community Supports for Work.

To view the complete article, visit The Providence American

Courtesy of The Providence American

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