ProJo: Subject of Journal story 'Redemption' lands job with recovery program

PROVIDENCE — Mark Gonsalves, whose story of recovery was told in The Journal this weekend, has been hired by Amos House.

Gonsalves has credited the social-service agency, along with other organizations and individuals, with helping him successfully address the depression that was a factor in his 2015 suicide jump from the Pell Bridge, which he survived.

“Mark has been hired as a house manager in our Men's Recovery Program,” Amos House head Eileen Hayes said in an email. “This is the program he graduated from. The program is a 90-day treatment program for men (and women) who are homeless and recognize that their addiction is getting in their way of their ability to stay housed and accomplishing their goals.”

To view the complete article, visit Providence Journal

Courtesy of Providence Journal

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