ProJo: Providence advocates for poor protest hiring of housing consultant

By Madeleine List
Journal Staff Writer

Posted Aug 15, 2018 at 9:09 PM
Updated Aug 15, 2018 at 9:36 PM

PROVIDENCE, R.I. — About two years ago, Roline Burgison helped one of the last remaining tenants at the Barbara Jordan II affordable housing development in South Providence find a new home.

The woman Burgison helped was one of hundreds of residents who left due to uninhabitable conditions at the 74-unit development, which was recently foreclosed upon after years of neglect by the property owner.

“It wasn't the tenants' fault that they had to be put out and displaced,” said Burgison, a volunteer with Direct Action for Rights and Equality (DARE), a Providence organization that advocates for low-income residents.

The group organized a demonstration Wednesday in front of Rhode Island Housing on Washington Street to protest the agency's hiring of a Chicago-based consulting firm called Camiros to manage public engagement on the topic of redevelopment at Barbara Jordan II.

Courtesy of Providence Journal

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