ProJo: My Turn: Jeffrey Machado: Harder to help R.I. people work

How gratifying to see the subject of homelessness addressed in The Providence Journal's front-page lead (“Housing first,” news, April 18)! Even better, your article was positive, even optimistic, about finding housing solutions in our state. Crossroads, Goodwill and other social service organizations in Rhode Island are working hard to restore dignity, purpose and financial security to the many hundreds of our neighbors who struggle with housing, employment, health issues and social challenges.

Yes, great strides have been made and success stories are many, but the article included a single sentence that describes the existential threat to those of us who are working hard to improve the lives of Rhode Island residents. That single sentence describes a substantial cut in funding to Crossroads from city, state and federal government.

The effects of the cuts in funding are all around us. We have panhandlers working traffic intersections, along with men and women who seek shelter in train stations, bus stops and parks. These are not hopeless cases. These are neighbors who can be helped to improve their circumstances.

To view the complete article, visit Providence Journal

Courtesy of Providence Journal

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