ProJo: Community advocates unite at R.I. Statehouse to push for housing bills

PROVIDENCE, R.I. — Community groups from across Rhode Island met at the State House Wednesday afternoon for the “Power of Community Advocacy Day,” designed to get the message out to lawmakers about programs that need funding and laws that need passing.

Many expressed support for the “source of income” legislation (H 7528 / S 2301), which would prevent landlords from discriminating against tenants based on their “source of income,” such as Social Security benefits or Section 8 rental vouchers.

The legislation was passed in the Senate last year, but was held up in the House. Advocates hope the same scenario doesn't play out this year, according to Melina Lodge, executive director of the Housing Network of Rhode Island. The Housing Network is an association of nonprofit community development corporations. Its members focus on community revitalization, and they develop and build affordable housing. The Senate Judiciary Committee recommended passage of S 2301 on Tuesday, and it has been placed on the Senate calendar for May 15.

To view the complete article, visit Providence Journal

Courtesy of Providence Journal

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