PHA: Request for Proposals - Project Based Vouchers

The Providence Housing Authority (“PHA” or the “Authority”) was established in 1939, for the purpose of engaging in the development, acquisition and administrative activities of the Low-Income Housing Program and other programs with similar objectives. The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”) has direct responsibility for administering LIPH under the United States Housing Act of 1937, as amended. HUD is authorized to enter into contracts with local housing authorities to make grants to assist the local housing authorities in financing the acquisition, construction and/or leasing of housing units and to make annual contributions (subsidies) to the local housing authorities for the purpose of maintaining the low rent character of the local housing program.

The Providence Housing Authority is the largest housing authority in the state of Rhode Island. A quasi-governmental organization with over 75 years of experience, the Providence Housing Authority is committed to developing and maintaining decent, safe and sanitary housing to address the economic and social needs of Providence residents.

The Authority currently owns and manages over 2,600 units of low income public housing. The PHA also administers over 2,700 units under the Housing Choice Voucher Program. The Authority expended over $48.1 Million in direct support of Public Housing and Section 8 operations, independent of capital projects, for the benefit of low-income households residing in the City in FY 2017. The Authority is a major provider of much needed housing, housing services and social programs.

In May 2018, the PHA evaluated national best practices and Project Based Voucher housing trends and engaged our community partners and stakeholders in order to develop and adopt policies for Project Basing units using the Housing Choice Voucher Program.

Section 8 Project-Based Voucher Assistance

The project-based voucher (PBV) program allows Public Housing Authorities that already administer a tenant-based voucher program under an annual contributions contract (ACC) with the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to take up to 30 percent of its authorized units and attach the funding to specific units rather than using it for tenant-based assistance [24 CFR 983.6]. Under the PBV program, a housing authority enters into a Housing Assistance Payments (“HAP”) Contract with a property owner to pay rental subsidy on behalf of eligible tenants (defined as households earning 50% of Area Median Income or lower). The subsidy is subject to all applicable HUD regulations. The HAP contract may cover either all or a portion of the units in a development.

The PHA may attach PBV assistance for units in existing housing or for newly constructed or rehabilitated housing developed under and in accordance with an agreement to enter into a housing assistance payments contract that was executed prior to the start of construction. A housing unit is considered an existing unit for purposes of the PBV program, if, at the time of notice of PHA selection, the units substantially comply with HQS. Units for which new construction or rehabilitation began after the owner's proposal submission but prior to the execution of the HAP do not subsequently qualify as existing housing [24 CFR 983.52].

Much of the tenant-based voucher program regulations also apply to the PBV program. Consequently, many of the PHA policies related to tenant-based assistance also apply to PBV assistance. The provisions of the tenant-based voucher regulations that do not apply to the PBV program are listed at 24 CFR 983.2. Partners with units selected under this RFP will be required to follow the PHA's Approved Administrative Plan policies for all units under the HAP Contract.

PBV Limitations and Exceptions

In general, the PHA may not select a proposal to provide PBV assistance for units in a project or enter into an agreement to enter into a HAP or a HAP contract to provide PBV assistance for units in a project, if the total number of dwelling units in the project that will receive PBV assistance during the term of the PBV HAP contract is more than the greater of 25 units or 25 percent of the number of dwelling units (assisted or unassisted) in the project. [24 CFR 983.56]

Exceptions are allowed and PBV units are not counted against the 25 percent or 25-unit per project cap if [FR Notice 1/18/17]:

  • The units are exclusively for elderly families
  • The units are for households eligible for supportive services available to all families receiving PBV assistance in the project
  • The project is located in a census tract with a poverty rate of 20 percent or less, as determined in the most recent American Community Survey Five-Year estimates

- For these projects, the project cap is the greater of 25 units or 40 percent (instead of 25 percent) of the units in the project [FR Notice 7/14/17].

General Guidelines

The Providence Housing Authority will award Section 8 Project-Based Vouchers to eligible applicants based on the guidelines and ranking criteria as listed below.

To determine eligibility for the program, please carefully read the following information. There will be no exceptions or waivers granted.

To view the complete RFP, click here.

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Providence, RI 02903

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