Opportunity Starts at Home: What is it?

May 2018

What is Opportunity Starts at Home?

The Opportunity Starts at Home campaign is a long-term, dynamic, multi-sector housing campaign to meet the rental housing needs of the nation's lowest income people. Various sectors are recognizing that affordable homes are inextricably linked to their own missions and priorities.

Students do better. Patients are healthier. People can more readily escape poverty and homelessness. The economy is more productive. Veterans thrive in the communities they swore to defend. The formerly incarcerated can rebuild their lives. And our nation is more just and equal. It makes sense that leaders from health care, education, civil rights and many other sectors are ready to join in the advocacy to advance solutions to make homes affordable for our nation's most vulnerable households.

Check out this short video featuring senior leaders from the National Low Income Housing Coalition, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, National Association of Community Health Centers, NAACP, Children's Defense Fund, Food Research & Action Center, National Education Association, and National Alliance to End Homelessness explaining how affordable housing deeply impacts their own sectors of work and why we must break down silos.
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Providence, RI 02903

RI Alliance for Healthy Homes

A project of
HousingWorks RI