Office of Sen. Whitehouse: As September Rent Comes Due, Whitehouse Again Calls for Senate to Reconvene to Help RI Renters and Homeowners in Crisis

Majority Leader McConnell still refuses to come to the table on new relief legislation after many months of inaction

Providence, RI - With September rent due today for millions of American families who can't afford to pay it, U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) is once again calling on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) to pass a robust relief bill that includes help for Rhode Island renters and homeowners thrown into crisis by the COVID-19 pandemic. In early August, McConnell withdrew from bipartisan negotiations for a new relief package and sent the Senate into recess until September 8.

To read the complete press release, visit the Office of Senator Sheldon Whitehouse

Courtesy of the Office of Senator Sheldon Whitehouse

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