NLIHC: Join a National Call-In Day to Demand Rent Relief Now!

Join NLIHC and advocates across the country for a National Call-In Day on Thursday, November 19 to demand that Congress immediately pass a coronavirus relief bill that includes the essential housing and homelessness resources and protections in the House-passed “HEROES Act.” Talking points and other resources are available in NLIHC's updated advocacy toolkit.

Renters cannot wait for #RentReliefNow! Without federal intervention, up to 30 to 40 million renters are at risk of losing their homes this winter.

A looming eviction crisis, colder temperatures, and alarming increases in coronavirus cases underscore just how critical it is for Congress to pass a comprehensive relief bill that addresses the urgent housing and health needs of people experiencing homelessness and the lowest-income renters.

Call Congress on November 19 to Demand a Comprehensive Coronavirus Relief Package with Critical Housing and Homelessness Resources and Protections!

It is critical that advocates contact their senators and representatives and urge them to pass a coronavirus relief package that includes NLIHC's top priorities: at least $100 billion in emergency rental assistance; a national, uniform moratorium on evictions; $11.5 billion to prevent and respond to outbreaks among people experiencing homelessness; and additional funds for HUD and USDA housing programs, including $26 billion in housing vouchers, to ensure housing stability for low-income renters.

While the CDC's federal eviction moratorium provides essential relief for struggling renters, it merely postpones evictions - it doesn't prevent them. Renters are accruing more debt than they can possibly pay off, and small landlords are increasingly struggling to pay their bills. Millions of renters will be at immediate risk of losing their homes when the federal eviction moratorium expires at the end of the year.

House and Senate leaders are restarting negotiations over a relief bill. Now is a critical time for advocates to urge Congress to pass a bill that includes robust housing and homelessness provisions.

Take Action
Contact your senators and representatives TODAY to demand funding for housing and homelessness programs in the next coronavirus relief package.
You can find your members of Congress here or send an email from NLIHC's Legislative Action Center.

Thank you for your advocacy!

Courtesy of NLIHC

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RI Alliance for Healthy Homes

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