NLIHC: Join a National Call-In Day on July 22 to Lift the Caps!

NLIHC, the Coalition for Human Needs, and other national organizations are hosting a Call-In Day on Monday, July 22 to urge congressional leaders and President Trump to reach an agreement to lift the federal spending caps and fully fund affordable housing programs. Without an agreement, affordable housing investments and other key resources may face devastating, across-the-board cuts of almost 10%.

Congress needs to hear from you!

Call 1-202-224-3121


Congress and the White House have until October 1 to pass FY 2020 spending bills - including funding for affordable housing - or risk a government shutdown. Before the bills can be enacted, however, congressional leaders must reach an agreement to lift the low spending caps required by law on defense and domestic programs. If the spending caps are not lifted, key affordable housing, homelessness, and community development programs will face a nearly 10% cut.

Congress has 26 legislative days before the October 1 deadline. Because Congress will soon adjourn for August recess, they must act quickly.

Once an agreement is reached, the Senate will begin working on their spending bills. A budget agreement could allow even higher levels of funding for housing and community development than those included in the robust spending bill passed by the House earlier this year. For more details on the House bill, see NLIHC's analysis and updated budget chart.

How You Can Participate
Join housing advocates around the country by calling your senators and representatives on Monday, July 22 to urge them to lift the low spending caps and to ensure affordable housing and community development programs receive the highest funding levels possible for FY 2020.

Sample Script:
“Please work with your colleagues to lift the low federal spending caps that have prevented Congress from funding affordable housing investments at the level needed. We cannot risk across-the-board cuts to affordable housing and community development programs that help families thrive.”

Call 1-202-224-3121

Courtesy of NLIHC

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