NK Standard Times: Exeter TC supports policy to mediate foreclosures

By ALEX TRUBIA Mar 9, 2018 0

At the request of Rhode Island's Attorney General, the Exeter town council voted Monday to support the removal of a sunset provision regarding the residential mortgage foreclosure mediation passed in 2013.

The mortgage foreclosure mediation, which provides protections to help homeowners avoid foreclosure and remain in their homes, is scheduled to sunset on July 1 of this year.

In response to the law's approaching end date, Attorney General Peter Kilmartin's office sent a letter to Town Administrators across the state last month urging their support of the removal of the sunset provision.

“If that sunset is not removed, Rhode Island homeowners who fall behind on their mortgage will lose the right to the assistance this law has provided,” wrote Assistant Attorney General Joee M. Lindbeck.

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