Newport Daily News: Middletown council split on senior housing plan

Posted: Mar 5, 2019 at 12:29 PM

The members of the Town Council agree there is a need for affordable senior housing units, but are torn on how to achieve it.

MIDDLETOWN — The members of the Town Council agree there is a need for affordable senior housing units, but are torn on how to achieve it.

The panel engaged in a lengthy discussion on the matter Monday night and took two actions. First, on a 4-3 vote, the council re-established the town's Senior Affordable Housing Committee and later tasked it with presenting recommendations within two months. The panel then voted down a resolution to retain a consultant to perform a feasibility study on affordable senior housing.

Hiring such a consultant had been the chief recommendation of the affordable housing committee that met a few times last summer and fall. Councilor Dennis Turano, the chairman of the committee, was the only vote in favor of retaining Kirk & Co. Inc. of Boston for $22,500.

To view the complete article, visit Newport Daily News

Courtesy of Newport Daily News

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