Newport Daily News: Letter to the Editor

Posted Mar 8, 2019 at 2:30 PM
Updated Mar 8, 2019 at 2:30 PM

No one leading the affordable housing effort

In 2014, the Middletown Town Council adopted the Comprehensive Community Plan. Here is what it says: “The Town of Middletown recognizes the importance and its responsibility in promoting affordable housing...This plan lays out actions that will be taken over the next ten years to meet the town's affordable housing goals. The plan will be reviewed annually to ensure progress is being made.”

The Comprehensive Plan requires that affordable housing represent 10 percent of the town's available housing. In 2014 that amount was 2 percent. Reading further in the plan: “Currently Middletown does not have a designated department, staff member, or committee with the primary responsibility for affordable housing and development, neither does the town have a Public Housing Agency...there should be a single person or group who has the lead responsibility in all affordable housing activities.”

To view the complete article, visit Newport Daily News

Courtesy of Newport Daily News

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