Newport Daily News: Forum examines future of Aquidneck Island housing issues

Panelists touched on challenges such as seniors' ability to age in place and millennials' struggle to find affordable housing.

NEWPORT — The Aquidneck Island Planning Commission hosted a forum last Friday focused on Aquidneck Island's housing issues.

Held in the Community College of Rhode Island Newport Campus auditorium, the forum featured three panel discussions followed by break-out sessions for attendees to share their perspectives. The findings from the discussions are being complied and will be available at, according to a statement from the organization.

“We are focused on creating a shared vision of the future success of the island, so we wanted to bring together people from different backgrounds to work together on a solution to ensure that the island's housing availability meets our needs now and in the future,” John Shea, the planning commission's executive director, said in the statement.

To view the complete article, visit Newport Daily News

Courtesy of Newport Daily News

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