Newport Daily News: Can Newport target housing to the 'young'?

Attempt to give younger adults preference for planned new apartments raises legal issue.

NEWPORT — The City Council's attempt to give preference to young adults for apartments at the former Cranston-Calvert School ran into legal objections at last week's council meeting.

City Solicitor Christopher Behan is now revising a rejected council resolution in connection with the selling of the former school to be converted into apartments.

Under the proposed resolution, the council would have directed “the city administration to work to incorporate into the closing documents language that encourages the purchaser to give preference in resident selection to young people who work or plan to work in Newport.”

Councilwoman Kathryn Leonard argued the resolution would encourage action that could be a violation of the Rhode Island Fair Housing Practices Act, if young people with jobs in Newport were to be selected over other age groups to occupy new apartments in the former school.

To view the complete article, visit Newport Daily News

Courtesy of The Newport Daily News

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