LPI at RWU: Standing in Solidarity with Our Black Community
During the last few months of 2020, this country and the world has faced a huge challenge with COVID-19. We have faced the realities of our inadequate health and economic systems, especially among our Black, Indigenous, Asian, and Latino communities. We have also faced thousands of deaths, the majority due to this cruel virus, while not being able to mourn those we have lost. Many other lives have been at the hand of police.
Black communities have sustained deep and prevalent violence and discrimination since the birth of this nation, and before. In fact, just last year, we marked the 400th anniversary of the first Africans who were kidnapped and enslaved in this country. For the last 400 years, Black individuals and communities have fought against enslavement, brutality, oppression and discrimination. Their fight, perseverance and struggle have allowed other communities of color to elevate our own voices, demanding antiracist policies. Today, the Black community continues the fight that begun and has evolved over the last four centuries. Today, we continue to see Black lives brutalized, pushed aside, mutilated and forgotten. Today, we continue to see racist policies hidden behind code words, and politicians unapologetically spouting their bigotry and prejudice from the bully pulpit. They sanction, even encourage, the racist, brutal treatment of Black Americans.
Today we must acknowledge that the struggle of the Black community is all of our struggle. As Latinos, we must acknowledge the importance of the work and pain of the Black community. We must acknowledge our shortcomings and our own racism and colorism. We must stand next to our Black brothers and sisters in solidarity and demand that Black lives are protected and respected. The struggles that the Latino community faces today are closely tied with that of the Black community, our successes, even more so. It is time to remember, that if we truly want our community to succeed we must ensure that the lives of our Black community are protected and loved. Black lives matter.
In Solidarity,
Marcela Betancur
Latino Policy Institute
Courtesy of Latino Policy Institute at Roger Williams University
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