JOB OPENING: Executive Assistant for Finance

Part Time Position - Grow Smart RI

Be part of a team that's in the business of creating long-term systemic change that improves people's lives by improving the neighborhoods and communities where they live, work, learn and play.

Reporting to the Grow Smart RI Executive Director, and also working closely with our Development Director and Board Treasurer, the Executive Assistant for Finance maintains our financial records for revenues, expenditures and borrowing; processes all payments to vendors; assists in the processing of our payroll; generates periodic financial reports for staff, Board leadership and Funders; assists in the development of our Annual Audit and Budget; and maintains personnel records.

Access the full Job Description

Grow Smart RI Mission

To lead and engage Rhode Islanders in advancing neighborhood revitalization, environmental stewardship, and economic opportunity for all.


Rhode Island will be a national model for smart growth and inclusive, informed decision making: a place where every person benefits from flourishing neighborhoods and downtowns, restored and protected natural resources, and a just, thriving, and resilient economy.

Smart Growth

Smart growth integrates the work of diverse stakeholders across sectors to advance and support healthy, resilient, opportunity-rich, and sustainable communities for everybody, everywhere.

Courtesy of Grow Smart RI

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Providence, RI 02903

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