Jamestown Press: Have your voice heard about housing project

To the editor:

The next meeting for the condo development project at 70-78 Narragansett Ave. is at 7 p.m. Wednesday, June 19. I am encouraging everyone to attend as I believe our community's input will count.

This development will consist of 19 units, with 34 bedrooms on a 1.1- acre site.

The developers say this large development is better than any alternative, but other types of projects would have to receive zoning approval as well. Paramount in my mind is the actual size of the buildings and the number of occupants.

There will be five affordable-housing units, which allows the planning commission to bypass zoning regulations. I do not oppose affordable housing, however, I think everyone should be considering Jamestown's water/sewer usage and its capacity to take on 50 plus residents.

To view the complete article, visit Jamestown Press

Courtesy of Jamestown Press

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