Institute for Nonprofit Practice: Building Rhode Island's Nonprofit Capacity

​​Dear Friends,

​I've shared with you how impressed I've been with The Institute for Nonprofit Practice since my involvement in ​its first successful program in Rhode Island in 2016. It is clear to me more than ever that nonprofit organizations require skilled, talented and high performing leaders to better address complex contemporary challenges.

Twenty-four nonprofit professionals are now completing our third Rhode Island-based certificate program. (Here is the link to the program​.)​ My colleagues on the teaching team for this effort include three talented leaders who have been deeply engaged for many years, as I have been, in RI's nonprofit and philanthropic sector: Mary Sylvia ​ ​ Harrison, Paula Fernandez and Anna Cano Morales.

We have begun to recruit for our next cohort scheduled to begin this fall. We are having an open house on Monday, April 2, 2018 at 5:00PM at the United Way of Rhode Island, 50 Valley Street in Providence. This will be an opportunity to informally share information on the program with prospective students. Attached is more information on this event with a link to register. I'd very much appreciate it if you circulated this within your networks.

Thanks so much and best regards,

William J. Allen
Faculty, Rhode Island Core Certificate Program
@WilliamJAllen1 | 401.225.8827

Institute for Nonprofit Practice
In affiliation with the Jonathan M. Tisch College of Civic Life at Tufts University
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