Enterprise: Upcoming Webinar: OPPORTUNITY360 Overview and Q&A

Upcoming Webinar: OPPORTUNITY360 Overview and Q&A

January 17, 2019, 2:00 to 3:00 pm ET

If you're new to OPPORTUNITY360 -- or would like a quick refresher on all of the tools and resources we have to offer -- please join us for this Overview and Q&A webinar.

We'll take a tour of the website, where you'll learn:

  • How to use the Measure Tool to create and download a 25-page Measurement Report for any census tract in the country
  • How to use the Opportunity Zone Explorer Tool to obtain data-rich views of every Opportunity Zone in the U.S.
  • Where you can find tools and resources that will allow you to engage with residents, stakeholders and community developers around opportunity in your area.
  • Where to find research, case studies and reports that take a deeper dive into key factors important for access to greater opportunity.
  • And much more!

In addition, OPPORTUNITY360 staff will be available to take your questions during the webinar.

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One Empire Plaza
Providence, RI 02903

RI Alliance for Healthy Homes

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