Enterprise: States Become More Involved in Local Housing Issues

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  • A blog post by The Pew Charitable Trusts points out that states are getting more involved in housing issues that used to be just local government affairs with the goal of addressing the affordability challenge. The post cites examples from across the country, including the passage of a package of state housing bills in California that imposed real estate transaction fees to generate funds for affordable housing, streamlined the development approval process, and put a $4 billion bond on the 2018 ballot to help subsidize affordable housing. It also notes that lawmakers in Massachusetts, New Jersey and South Carolina have introduced bills that would encourage local jurisdictions to reduce zoning restrictions or mandate the adoption of inclusionary zoning policies to require developers to set aside affordable housing units. (Route Fifty, October 15)
  • Today HUD announced the launch of “Humans of HUD,” a photoblog dedicated to documenting the journeys of people who benefit from the agency's programs and services. This photoblog features a collection of portraits and interviews that aims to create a window into the lives of America's most vulnerable populations. The series will be featured regularly on HUD's social media outlets and archived on HUD.gov/HumansofHUD. Individuals interested in sharing their story can submit it to HumansofHUD@hud.gov. (HUD, October 16)

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Courtesy of Enterprise

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