Enterprise: Five Innovative New Resources From Opportunity360

To celebrate the first anniversary of Opportunity360, we just released five innovative new resources to support your work in communities across the country.

As Opportunity360 moves into its second year, we hope you join us as we continue to use this platform to help create equitable communities and advance opportunity for all. Be on the lookout for more resources and tools in the coming weeks, including two webinars.

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1. Community Engagement Toolkit

Our Community Engagement Toolkit is an online database of tools, best practices and case studies presented in a user-friendly format that's relational, searchable, filterable and keyword-enabled.


2. Custom Housing Stability Profiles

Each Housing Stability Profile is a custom, presentation-ready 35-page report that includes top-tier research data and analyses for a chosen city, neighborhood or region. Your completely customized, visually engaging and ready-to-share Profile is waiting.


3. Opportunity Zone Explorer Tool

Use our Opportunity Zone Explorer mapping tool to locate Opportunity Zones by city, county or zip code, filter down by specific criteria, find details for any census tract in the U.S., compare characteristics of Opportunity Zones within each state, and more.


4. Equity, Opportunity and the Regional Planning Process

A new paper from Enterprise and the National Center for Smart Growth investigates how equity and opportunity maps have been integrated into planning processes in five regions across the country.


5. Piecing it Together: A Framing Playbook for Affordable Housing Advocates

This framing playbook distills and illustrates a set of practical recommendations to achieve key communications goals based on an extensive investigation by the FrameWorks Institute in partnership with Enterprise.


Courtesy of Enterprise

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