Enterprise: Community Developments: Enterprise Releases Section 4 Funding Opportunities

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  • In an article in the Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR), Tiffany Manuel, vice president of knowledge, impact and strategy at Enterprise Community Partners, and Nat Kendall-Taylor, chief executive officer of the FrameWorks Institute, point out that housing advocates can build public support for affordable housing policies by shifting narratives away from consumer choice and personal responsibility. In other words, advocates need to help audiences understand that differences in housing quality are not an inherent or even an inevitable feature of housing market, since that framing allows people to rationalize and justify disparities in housing quality. Manuel and Kendall-Taylor emphasize the importance of highlighting the systems that create and enable inequality in housing to show that systems often determine outcomes. This article is the second in SSIR's Picture This series, which explores the science of issue framing. (SSIR, April 30)

​Courtesy of Enterprise

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