Encuentro 2018: A National Conference on Latino Heritage and Historic Preservation

The 3rd Convening of Latinos in Heritage Conservation
and the 33rd Annual Rhode Island Statewide Historic Preservation Conference

Thursday - Saturday, April 26-28, 2018 ⇒

Providence/Blackstone Valley

About the Conference
Latinos in Heritage Conservation, Rhode Island Latino Arts, and the Rhode Island Historical Preservation & Heritage Commission are proud to present Encuentro 2018. Spanning three days of programs in Providence and the Blackstone Valley, this groundbreaking event brings together the 3rd National Convening of Latinos in Heritage Conservation and the 33rd Annual Statewide Rhode Island Historic Preservation Conference.

For the first time, Latinos in Heritage Conservation is bringing a national conversation about Latino historic preservation to New England. Featuring guest speakers from across the country and opportunities to meet and exchange ideas with fellow practitioners and advocates for Latino historic preservation, this is a not to be missed opportunity. Rhode Island Latino Arts, RIHPHC, and local partners have planned an engaging program of tours and special events to round out the schedule.

We hope that you will join us for this landmark gathering that will bring together preservationists, scholars, students, design professionals, and community advocates for an unprecedented discussion of the value and future of heritage conservation in New England's Latino communities and beyond.

Registration fees:
$30 Thursday - Friday | $50 Saturday ($80 for Thursday - Saturday)
$15 Thursday - Friday | $25 Saturday for students with i.d. ($40 for Thursday - Saturday)

Courtesy of Encuentro 2018

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