East Greenwich Pendulum: Planning board continues talks of affordable housing project

ALLIE LEWIS Oct 27, 2018 0

Staff Writer

EAST GREENWICH-A proposed affordable housing project on South County Trail continues to be considered by the Planning Board.

The 96 unit new residential development, Fry Brook Terrace, calls for four apartment style buildings and a freestanding clubhouse on approximately 18 acres. Although some members of the board were concerned about the economic stress the project could place on the town, an expert witness representing the project, Joseph Lombardo, said it would bring East Greenwich closer to the state's mandate percentage for affordable housing.

Nearly three decades ago, Rhode Island mandated a 10 percent minimum of affordable housing per-district, and East Greenwich is still a ways off from meeting it.

“Most residential development does cost the community more than they bring in,” Lombardo said. “But you're making a dramatic uptick on your percentage.”

To view the complete article, visit The East Greenwich Pendulum

Courtesy of The East Greenwich Pendulum
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