DesignxRI: Solving the Housing Crisis: Where Does Design Fit In?

There is a widely acknowledged housing crisis in the US today: workers and young families are finding it increasingly difficult to find housing they can afford that suits their needs. Wages have not kept pace with housing costs, and not enough new housing has been developed to meet growing demand.

Housing developers are looking for innovative ways to create attainable housing, and they partner with multi-disciplinary design teams and municipalities to make these projects a reality.

Developing housing that is affordable requires solutions from multiple perspectives: developers look to designers for creative solutions in all aspects of a project, from identifying efficiencies in site design, construction, and resource use, to understanding how the housing will integrate into the existing community.

An architect, an urban planner, a municipal planner, and a developer will discuss the working partnerships between designers, developers, and municipalities and the role that design plays to create housing that meets the State's needs. Check out Union Studio for more information.

Courtesy of DESIGN x RI

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