Convergence RI: Future of housing in RI is in bloom. Can you see it?

By Richard Asinof | Posted 5/25/20
PROVIDENCE - The signs of spring and a rebirth of wonder are visible everywhere, even in the midst of a terrible pandemic, if you can see them. Such harbingers are beyond the range of most news gathering enterprises, with their constricted apertures, pursuing stories that are caught up in the metrics of our now dearly departed normalcy, wanting to preserve the status quo, caught up in the search for clicks as advertising, like so many jobs, has disappeared.
Take, for instance, the story of Sheridan Small Homes, a condominium community of five affordable, single-family, net-zero energy homes being built by ONE Neighborhood Builders, along Riverside Park in Olneyville, with a monthly cost, including mortgage payment, utilities [actually a net positive from the solar system], and a condo fee of $965, far below the prevailing market for rental properties.
Courtesy of Convergence RI
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