Convergence RI: Eyes on the prize: 2018 health equity summit draws 750

Why, then, did the ProJo ignore the gathering?

PROVIDENCE - What does a news silo look like? The hardened boundary resulting in some events being reported while others are ignored? The visual image of an editorial wall built around those preferred narratives that are covered and promoted?

More often than not, the actual boundaries of a news silo can be hard to discern, similar to difficulties in recognizing the lasting stigma carried by survivors from unreported sexual assaults.

Not last week.

Despite the best efforts of the Republican majority in the Senate to tamp down the revelations about the alleged attempted rape committed by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh against a university professor and research psychologist from California when they were both teenagers, the story has overflowed the riverbanks - and the swirling waters have kept rising.

Too many women know the relative truth from their own personal experiences with being sexual assaulted to be swayed by patronizing white male Republican Senators, such as Orrin Hatch, that somehow Christine Blasey Ford was “confused” or “mixed up.”

News silos in action

Closer to home, all one had to do was glimpse the front page of The Providence Journal on Friday, Sept. 21, to witness a news silo in action.

To view the complete article, visit Convergence RI

Courtesy of Convergence RI

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