City of Pawtucket: Housing and Community Development Survey

The City of Pawtucket is developing a five-year plan to guide policy, action and investment in housing, economic development, infrastructure and community and public facilities in the coming years. Known as the "Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development," the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development requires that the plan address unmet needs and determine funding allocations for housing and community development activities in the city. As such, the plan depends, in part, on the experiences and opinions of people who know about housing and community development, as well as those who want to share their opinions about these needs throughout Pawtucket.

We hope you will take the opportunity to participate in this important research effort and that your responses to the survey will be absolutely confidential. Please complete this survey; it will take approximately 10 minutes. Thank you for your attendance and participation.

Courtesy of The City of Pawtucket

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