Split Level & ADU

What is a Split Level?
The Split Level house is a two-story single family home characterized by its entrance centered on the front face and leading onto a staircase with the option to go up to the second floor or down to the first floor. Usually a part of the first floor is also the basement because of the change in grade. The first floor/ basement usually contains the garage, a storage and utility room, a bathroom, and a large room usually used as a family room. The second floor usually contains the kitchen, a family room, a bathroom and a number of bedroom. The first floor is the ideal space for an interior conversion because it is on grade and contains an existing bathroom, however a conversion on the second floor is feasible.
Special Features
Split-Level: Split-level and Raised Ranch Housing types
- Two-story house or two-story with raised wing.
- Low pitched roof, side-gabled roof.
- Uninhabitable, low pitched roof.
- Garage as part of basement.
- Typically have 30 foot setback.
- Lot size ⅓-½ acre.
Options for Conversion:
On the pages that follow, take a closer look at housing's connections to the Interior Conversion, Exterior Addition, and Freestanding New Structure.
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